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Examining Unity and Diversity in the Islamic Society Based on the Verses of the Quran

The Quranic perspective on unity and convergence within the Muslim community highlights the significant position of these values in Islam. Throughout the Quran, numerous verses emphasize the importance of unity and the negativity of division and discord among Muslims. For example, the Quran states:

“Allah has enjoined upon you the same religion He enjoined upon Noah, and that which We revealed to you, and which We enjoined upon Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: Establish the religion, and do not divide it. What you call the polytheists to is hard upon them. Allah chooses for Himself whomever He wills and guides to Himself whoever repents.” (Quran, 42:13)

Indeed, the call and obligation for Muslims to uphold their faith and avoid division is a mandate given to all the prophets of resolve and bearers of divine law. Other prophets, books, and laws delivered after them uphold this call, meaning that all the prophets throughout history were instructed to invite their communities to unity and harmony, as unity is challenging for their adversaries and division pleases their enemies. The preservation of religion is only possible through maintaining unity.

In this regard, Allah, the Almighty, regarding the qualities of the inhabitants of paradise, states: “We removed from their hearts all resentment and hatred.” (Quran, 7:43) Furthermore, the Quran prohibits Muslims from engaging in conflict and its adverse consequences since it brings weakness and feebleness, leading to failure and decline. Therefore, while safeguarding unity and overcoming divisiveness may be challenging, it is a burden that must be borne, as Allah is with the patient, and ultimately, success will come through perseverance and steadfastness. The Quran consistently places discord and division alongside heavenly punishments and natural disasters, underscoring their negative consequences. It states: “Say, ‘He is Most Capable of sending punishment upon you from above you or from beneath your feet or of confounding you with dissension and making you taste one another’s violence.’ Observe how We diversify the signs that they may understand.” (Quran, 6:65)

According to Quranic reasoning, individuals who contribute to intellectual and theoretical conflicts lack wisdom because the Quran has closed the path to discord. If, after comprehending the truth, one persists in following their desires and whims, they lack practical wisdom because Allah has prohibited following one’s base desires.

As previously mentioned, Allah in various places in the Quran emphasizes the prohibition of division and discord among Muslims. Therefore, it seems that unity holds a high position in the principles and foundations of the Quran. Indeed, the Quran attributes the union of the hearts of believers to Allah, meaning that unity among hearts is the work of God. In this regard, Allah states in the Quran: “And He has put affection between their hearts. If you had spent all that is in the earth, you could not have put affection between their hearts, but Allah put affection between them. Indeed, He is Exalted in Might and Wise.” (Quran, 8:63) From the Quranic perspective, Satan seeks to create enmity, hatred, and division among people through means such as intoxication and gambling, diverting them from the remembrance of Allah and prayer. Hence, the Quran asks, “Will you not desist?” (Quran, 5:91) Moreover, after calling upon the believers for unity and peace, the Quran warns them against following the footsteps of Satan, as division and discord are his ways. In this context, the Quran says: “O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.” (Quran, 2:208)

Some scholars of religion argue that at times, those religious scholars who lack divine piety become the source of religious disputes due to injustice, envy, and power-seeking, following the path of Satan. They established various non-divine sects and doctrines, such as Wahhabism and Baha’ism, under their leadership. According to the Quranic verses, Pharaoh, following the path of Satan, divided his people into various groups, weakening some and killing their sons while keeping their women alive for service. This division and cruelty served his tyranny. (Quran, 28:4)

Contrary to the views of some, religion has not been the cause of division among humanity or led to extensive bloodshed throughout history. Religion has always been a factor for unity and cohesion within its community, as seen in the case of Islam and the tribes of Arabia, and even among non-Arab nations, it has resolved conflicts and created a unified nation.

From the Quranic perspective, one of the satanic actions that lead to division is arrogance, believing oneself to be superior to others based on factors such as race, language, wealth, or social status. People are created in various tribes and nations, and these differences are considered signs of God’s power. People possess different talents and assets, which they are expected to use for divine trials and the path of evolution. Therefore, these factors should not be the basis for superiority, but rather piety is the true measure of excellence before God (Quran, 49:13) Additionally, the Quran recognizes believers as brothers and calls upon them to establish peace and reconciliation among themselves.

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