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Hijab, it’s an ideology for Islamic countries and all women and men in the world

Across all monotheistic religions, the emphasis on veiling and modest dressing has been pronounced, as it is a command of the divine and a common thread among all faiths. Veiling is a discourse rooted in human nature, tracing its origins back to the creation of Adam and Eve. When they were expelled from paradise, their immediate action was to find suitable coverings for themselves. The sacred law that addresses this matter speaks by human nature and aims to address the inherent needs of individuals within society, while delineating the dos and don’ts, as well as the boundaries.

One of the achievements of veiling and chastity is ethical behavior and the preservation of the family, which ranks among the most significant religious matters. A prime example and symbol of modesty can be found in the figure of Mary (peace be upon her), whose purity and modesty led to her selection as the mother of Jesus (peace be upon him), one of the great divine prophets.

The emphasis on veiling and its outcomes exists as an example in all religions, but due to certain distortions, attention to and emphasis on veiling have been diminished in other religions. As a result, veiling has become a symbolic representation primarily associated with women in Islam, and Muslim women worldwide continue to benefit from this symbol.

However, the reason why veiling is considered a symbolic representation of Muslim women must be attributed to the strong emphasis they place on preserving it. They are willing to sacrifice privileges to uphold their belief in chastity and hijab. Ongoing examples of the pressure on veiled women can be regularly observed in the media. One notable instance is the case of French women who left their position due to the country’s laws and their commitment to veiling. There are certainly many other stories you may have heard or seen related to this issue, where veiled women have even sacrificed their careers to preserve their veils.

Now, this question might arise for some non-Muslim women: What secret lies behind this attire? The point lies in a misconceived perspective on this matter. Veiling is not merely a simple covering; rather, it embodies an ideology. This outward veil signifies modesty, chastity, and love, and is ideologic. In non-Islamic ideologies, women are often regarded as tools, and second-class citizens, while in Islam, as per the narration in Surah An-Nisa, women and men are equal. The intrinsic value of women in Islam is elevated, nurturing, instructive, and deeply rooted in history. So much so that in this perspective, men’s spiritual ascent is tied to women, and a divine purpose for mothers in nurturing their children is elucidated. This is because we believe that the goal and mission of the prophets also encompass education, and women are the most prominent educators within the Islamic community.

Apart from the individual and societal achievements of veiling, its role in resistance must also be highlighted. It’s the very aspect that instills fear among leaders and politicians of Western countries, causing them to view it as a primary front for domination, whether in terms of cultural infiltration or cold war strategies. Veiling signifies the insight, steadfastness, and self-confidence of Muslim women. This significance has generated fear within oppressive regimes. If you observe images from Tahrir Square or the protests in Yemen and Bahrain, you’ll witness the distinctive and undeniable presence of veiled women. This exact phenomenon is what terrifies adversaries, prompting the West to investigate the position and philosophy of veiling and attempt to eliminate it. Neo-colonialism understands that to access other countries’ resources, certain values must be eradicated; one of them being the overt ideology within Islamic women’s veiling. If Muslim women realize its significance, they won’t relinquish it under any circumstances. Now that the wave of Islamic Awakening has embraced Muslim countries, it is likely that veiling will regain its importance and status, and Muslim women with their veils will once again take the stage of resistance. Muslim women believe that veiling is not merely a simple covering but a belief and ideology.

The hijab is a value by the nature of humans. Nudity and moving towards more mingling of the two sexes and exposing them to one another is a move against human nature and volition. The holy Shariah of Islam has also set out certain restrictions and limits for it and those who are believers and religious cannot disapprove of hijab. Of course, there might be people who are uninformed or ignorant. One should first familiarize oneself with the hijab.

To prevent the mingling of the sexes and preserve ethical boundaries, Islam has obligated women to observe modest dress (hijab). The hijab is a means of providing security: by observing the hijab, Muslim women provide security both for themselves and Muslim men. Wherever hijab is taken away from women, wherever they push women towards bareness and nudity, security is taken away primarily from women and secondarily from men and the youth. To preserve a healthy and secure environment wherein women can pursue their tasks and men can carry out their responsibilities, Islam has set hijab as an obligation: hijab is an outstanding obligation by Islam and its advantages.

In the West, including the United States, where they endlessly talk about equality of rights for men and women, there are horrendous statistics of violence against women, and of using them in different settings. So the issues concerning women are not resolved by the solutions provided by the West, and by rejecting the Hijab and religious constraints, these problems worsen. On the other hand, Islam endeavors to create a healthy environment based on reason and thought, where the weak would not be dominated… Contrary to the West’s rants about Hijab as something that limits the rights and liberties of women, Hijab has nothing to do with suppressing the rights and liberties of women. A hijab is a must for men and women that has to be observed by each in a certain way. Because by removing the Hijab, women would face the same fate that has afflicted women in Western environments through abuse. Islam’s approach to the Hijab is very wise. The hijab is relevant in the limits of the personal lives of men and women. Sacred Islamic laws have defined the limits of the Hijab that must be respected, without having to fall for the extremes.
