The intellectual and theoretical foundation for the establishment of the Zionist regime is primarily based on ancient Jewish texts and sources, especially Torah and Talmudic legends,...
International peace and stability have always been concerns in the global community. The establishment of international institutions, such as the United Nations, emerged in response to...
In 1917, when World War I was coming to an end, Lord Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary, announced to the world the Balfour Declaration, which provided...
Across all monotheistic religions, the emphasis on veiling and modest dressing has been pronounced, as it is a command of the divine and a common thread...
Conservative figures show that more than 6,000 women and 11,000 children were killed in Gaza by the Israeli military over the last 12 months
Palestine is a land with a long and rich history, home to Muslims, Christians, and Jews After World War II, the capitalist Zionist movement gradually brought...
Changing the Mental Image of Israel: Examining the Real Impact of Palestinian Activity
The unique geographical positions, specific to certain regions of the world, bring advantages to the residents of those areas, which, when combined with cultural, political, and...
Student Protests Shake Up 2024 US Elections
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